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Translated 5DK of Draft King, Vol. 2

Discussion in 'Draft King Interviews' started by rsniteblaze, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. rsniteblaze

    rsniteblaze Administrator

    Our good friend Naoki (nokmr) was kind enough to send me these scans so that we can translate them into English for non-Japanese people to read and understand.

    * Erica (picture–middle/Below…e) We came to the place I wanted to go, the Tokyo Dome!

    -----Your reasons for choosing this place are?

    * E – I chose it because last month when I came to Tokyo and I thought I wanted to come to a place that said “Tokyo” and do a live at this place

    ------How was coming to Tokyo?

    * E – There are a lot of people (Lol). In my hometown, even during the festivals there aren’t this many people (Lol).

    -----That’s what everyone thinks when they come to Tokyo right? (Lol)

    * E - But because I came to Tokyo for the band’s sake, being in Tokyo made my mind tighten. I had been coming and going between my hometown and Tokyo before I came to Tokyo and in that period no matter what my feelings kept getting reset. So in these circumstances I want to do my best so Draft King will become a good band.

    -----Are the preparations for the one man progressing?

    * E – Lately I was writing the lyrics to a new song and thinking up a pre-chorus, making it with all my strength, I’m doing my best!

    -----I am expecting growth! What kind of vocalist does erica-chan want to become in the future?

    * E - It’s obvious I want to level up my singing ability and performance but, as an ideal I want to become a vocalist that has an aura that can charm people’s eyes unconsciously, no matter when. Since I have wanted to sing in a band since I was small, this is definitely a dream come true!

    * Nohana (picture–Left end/ below…n) The thing I want to do is to eat a big parfait! So we came~

    -----You have an extremely happy looking face (Lol) *Referencing photo 1

    * N – I am really happy! Thanks for the meal!!

    -----The reason you chose this activity is?

    * N – Well I loved parfait from the start and its private but when I came to Tokyo, I occasionally came. I intended to come for the first time in a while anyway to remember my initial resolve. (Lol)

    -----That’s an amazing way of remembering (Lol). How are the preparations going headed toward the one man?

    * N - I’m making a new song(s) ~. It’s because we still don’t have enough songs. Right now we have agreed that even though we will be playing with other bands we will gradually introduce them heading towards the one man. Excluding the original part about live I am saying I want to make a one man original drink.

    -----Is it ok if it is not a parfait, nohana-san? (Lol)

    * N - But I want to make one~!

    -----You have to enter the venue early then (Lol)

    * N - I’m weak in the morning so I’m anxious…~One hour later~
    I don’t have too much space in my stomach but, the sweetness has already passed my limit... *Referencing photo 2

    -----Have you remember your original resolve?

    * N – I have but, as expected I can’t return to the time I was 19 years old (Lol)

    -----If the one man is a success will you be coming again?!

    * N – Yes, I’ll take revenge! (Lol)
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2014
  2. crimsonknight4

    crimsonknight4 Global Moderator Translator

    Vol. 2 translation finished, now we have some idea of who writes the songs!
  3. rsniteblaze

    rsniteblaze Administrator

    Did Nohana seriously just talk about parfait for half the interview? lol omg... I swear, that girl is notorious for trolling interviews haha.

    Anyways, the parts with Erica's answers are nice. Seems like she was having a hard time adjusting at first. It was probably the same for AIMI, NOHANA, and SHIHO too in the beginning when they moved to Tokyo from Okinawa.

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