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ALiCE IN UNDERGROUND General Discussion

Discussion in 'ALiCE IN UNDERGROUND' started by dereko92, May 8, 2014.

  1. Senak

    Senak Stereopony Lover

    Do bands really use that to decide what they're going to do, I would've they just do it because they love the kind of music they play. And it's not like she's a newcomer and wants to get publicity before she does what she wants.
  2. rsniteblaze

    rsniteblaze Administrator

    I've never been in a band or anything like that, so I have no idea. Maybe forming an all-girl band would help get more followers since there's so many people following SCANDAL and other all-girl bands, but the chances of making it as big as SCANDAL is pretty low since there's so many more bands. AIMI's popularity would probably help like how YUI brought a lot of fans for FLOWER FLOWER, but it's still not entirely clear what would happen.

    But still, if I were AIMI, then the last thing I would want to do is form another all-girl rock band, especially since that's exactly what NOHANA and SHIHO did. It would almost look like there would be a bitter rivalry to see which would be more successful since they appear too similar. So, since AIMI went solo and is also involved in a different genre of music with ALiCE IN UNDERGROUND as a side project it helps make her stand out. This is probably the only reason why I can still support AIMI and Draft King at the same time and not worry who I like more. They're doing completely different stuff in slightly different genres.

    But if AIMI did form a new all-girl rock band... then that's a different story. We already had VGD members saying they would wait for and support AIMI over Draft King. It would surely break us apart haha.
  3. Senak

    Senak Stereopony Lover

    If Aimi made an all girl band I wouldn't see it as trying to rival Nohana or Shiho, I'd say she's just sticking to what she knows. It'd only be if there was comments made about the others or attempts to out do each other I'd think that. But as you say people always want to pick a side and argue who's better.

    I don't understand why you'd support one over the other, sure it not as good as them together but you do get 2 sets of new music (I'm putting Aimi solo and AiU together). The more the merrier I say!
  4. leo_harrison

    leo_harrison Stereopony Fan

  5. rsniteblaze

    rsniteblaze Administrator

    What about the lack of comments? At the beginning of this interview SHIHO is quoting AIMI but never mentions her name or Stereopony at all. Only MAO and the interviewer refer to Stereopony by name. This was something @crimsonknight4 noticed and was a topic of discussion in the chat. He also pointed out that AIMI and SHIHO don't follow each other on Twitter but AIMI and NOHANA do. It's not enough evidence but it does seem that the cause of Stereopony's dissolution was a falling out between AIMI and SHIHO.

    Don't forget that Draft King formed some time in November 2012 and had their first few lives in December 2012 before Stereopony officially disbanded on December 27, 2012. I can't speak for everyone but I do know that many of us at first felt that NOHANA and SHIHO moved on way too quickly to replace AIMI. Plus, a majority of Stereopony fans prefer AIMI over everyone else. In a poll we did a long time ago, AIMI got more than twice the amount of votes NOHANA and SHIHO got combined for favorite Stereopony member. So, to me it makes sense that people would prefer AIMI over Draft King.

    ALiCE IN UNDERGROUND is going to sound so much heavier than that because of ARAI lol.
  6. Senak

    Senak Stereopony Lover

    I agree it does seem strange that Shiho wouldn't mention her name or anything to do with stereopony, but people have fall outs all the time and it doesn't mean they have a direct rivalry with each other. I've seen it happen with blink-182, Tom Delonge goes off and makes AvA and Mark and Travis make +44. Mark writes a whole song aimed at Tom for what happened with the break up of blink-182 (No It Isn't) and released it on Toms birthday (I think), like that seems like a real rivalry there.

    Yeah I'd completely understand people preferring Aimi over the others, personally I think a big reason for that is because she's the singer and guitarist and they usually take centre stage in most bands, but I mean I personally wouldn't understand hoping that she only does well over the others. But yeah maybe you're right and people aren't happy at how fast they moved on.
  7. rsniteblaze

    rsniteblaze Administrator

    Senak likes this.
  8. rsniteblaze

    rsniteblaze Administrator

  9. crimsonknight4

    crimsonknight4 Global Moderator Translator


    元ステレオポニーのAIMIと元serial TV dramaの新井弘毅の新バンド・ALiCE IN UNDERGROUNDが、8月17日に東京・WWWで初のワンマンライブ「episode1: 感染」を開催した。

    ALiCE IN UNDERGROUNDは「ゾンビ」をテーマに結成された新バンド。スタッフ全員がゾンビメイク、場内におどろおどろしい装飾が施されるなど徹底した演出で会場の雰囲気を高めていた。AIMIによるアナウンスで架空の音楽番組の映像がスクリーンに映され、ゾンビから逃げてきたリポーターの叫び声が響く中、バックバンドによる演奏がスタート。AIMIは“ゾンビ歩き”をしながらステージに登場し、1曲目「アイドンワナダイ」からライブの口火を切る。続くポップスとメタルを融合したナンバー「恋する▼ゾンビ」(▼はハートマーク)では、新井がジャンプしながらギターを弾くなどして観客の興奮を高めた。

    ライブ中盤にはオープニングムービーに出演した俳優陣によるコミカルな寸劇が展開された。その後、「ゾンビの大運動会」では、ポンポンを持ったAIMIとダンサーが登場し、笑顔でかわいらしいパフォーマンスを披露。ラストは「PARTY OF THE DEAD」「キミに感染パンデミック」が届けられ、AIMIが興奮するフロアに向かってダイブをするなど、最後まで熱いライブが繰り広げられた。

    なおALiCE IN UNDERGROUNDは12月26日に東京・TSUTAYA O-WESTで2回目のワンマンライブを開催。このほか9月4日にTSUTAYA O-WESTでライブイベント「MONSTER PARTY~超常現象~」、9月17日に東京・clubasiaにてbayfm主催のライブイベント「NEXT POWER ON! LIVE Vol.11」に出演する。

    ALiCE IN UNDERGROUND, the band formed by former Stereopony member AIMI and former serial TV drama member Arai Hiroki, held their first oneman live [episode1: Infection] on 8/17 at Tokyo WWW.

    AliCE IN UNDEGROUND is a new band that was formed with a “zombie” theme. With the staff were all wearing zombie make-up and eerie ornaments hung all over the grounds, the completeness of the performance, made the atmosphere rise. With an announcement from AIMI, a music program began playing on the screen overhead, and with a reporter’s voice who had ran from zombies echoing, the back-up band began the performance. AIMI appeared on stage while doing a “zombie walk”, the live’s fuse was cut with the first song [Ai don wana dai (I don’t wanna die)]. With the next number, which combined a pop and metal sound [Koi suru▼ zombie (Zombie that ▼ loves)] (the ▼ is a heart mark), Arai played the guitar while jumping and really got the audience excited.

    On the center stage where the opening movie played a band of actors put on a comical skit. After that, on [Zombi no Daiundoukai (Great Zombie Exercise Meet)], holding pom poms, AIMI and some dancers came out, with a smile AIMI showed a cute-like performance. Finally when [PARTY OF THE DEAD] and [Kimi ni Kanzen Pandemikku(Complete Pandemic to you)] had played, AIMI faced the excited crowd and dived on stage, until the end a hot live unfolded.

    Now ALiCE IN UNDERGROUND has announced a second oneman live at Tokyo TSUTAYA O-WEST on 12/26. Besides this they will appear on 9/4 at TSUTAYA O-WEST for [MONSTER PARTY ~Supernatural Phenomenon~] and on 9/17 at Tokyo clubasia’s bayfm sponsored event [NEXT POWER ON! LIVE Vol. 11].
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2014
    dereko92 likes this.
  10. dereko92

    dereko92 Administrator

    Once you can translate it, I'll post it up :D
  11. crimsonknight4

    crimsonknight4 Global Moderator Translator

    translation up, I add the translated song names next to the romaji ones, idk which are better
  12. rsniteblaze

    rsniteblaze Administrator

    Original post updated and the news post on the website was updated.


    2012年に解散したガールズバンド・ステレオポニーのAIMIと、同年に解散したロックバンド・serial TV dramaの新井弘毅が「ゾンビ」をテーマに結成したバンド・ALiCE IN UNDERGROUNDが8月17日、初のワンマンライブ「episode 1:感染」を渋谷WWWにて開催した。

    会場にはおどろおどろしい装飾が成され、受付・照明・音響スタッフ全員がゾンビメイクという徹底ぶり。スクリーンに映し出された「ALiCE IN UNDERGROUND」の文字を今か今かと待ちわびている感染希望者でフロアは溢れている。



    終盤に差し掛かり、AIMIの「渋谷—!」のかけ声に答える会場の熱を取り込むようにALiCE IN UNDERGROUNDの代表曲「PARTY OF THE DEAD」激しいヘドバンとかき鳴らされる複雑なギターフレーズで会場は最高潮! そして、ラスト曲。中毒性のある「キミに感染パンデミック」では熱気に感化されAIMIも客席へダイブする場面も。1曲終える毎に増える拳やヘドバンはまさに“感染"そのものだった。

    終演後にスクリーンにて発表された次回、感染地域はTSUTAYA OWEST。近日リニューアル予定のOFFICIAL SITEでは先行チケット予約も予定している。

    M1 アイドンワナダイ
    M2 恋する♥ゾンビ
    M3 猟奇的な彼女
    M4 完全包囲で大量摂取
    M5 人類がやってきた
    M6 ゾンビの大運動会
    M7 二次元ロマンス a GOGO!!
    M8 豹変!私の愛したダメな人
    M10 キミに感染パンデミック

    photo by 平野タカシ

    Last edited: Aug 20, 2014
  13. Senak

    Senak Stereopony Lover

    Sounded like a really good show! Would love to see what it was like myself
  14. guild15

    guild15 Stereopony Fan

    I feel like Alice in Underground is going to be a real sensation. Huge, big.
  15. Sorrawut

    Sorrawut Stereopony Fan

    I think AIMI still be AIMI. It's good to create new style of music and this will be another AIMI's masterpiece.

    Unfortunately, I am not in Japan. Just wait for DVD.........
  16. Senak

    Senak Stereopony Lover

    What's everyone's thoughts on the singles?

    I really enjoyed them I thought each song sounded unique and offered something different. My favourite has to be Zombi no Daiundoukai,I think the main reason is because it sounds like it could be a Stereopony song
  17. Sorrawut

    Sorrawut Stereopony Fan

    All i love in those single is AIMI voice , not the music.

    all songs wrote by arai. it focused on representing arai guitar skill more than leading audience feeling to the good point.

    the rythm is just mix many typically melodies into a music. not create a good new one.

    The best strength of AIMI is realistic, honesty, naturally singing but in these songs everything is fake and make up under arai direction. it's too bad.
  18. rsniteblaze

    rsniteblaze Administrator

    So who's still waiting for this: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/DAKZMB-3

    And it looks like the other two AIU CD's are out of print and no longer available on CD Japan... Perhaps these were a limited release and there were no plans on ever reprinting them?
  19. crimsonknight4

    crimsonknight4 Global Moderator Translator

    umm they had taken it down, did they put it back up? That might be a good sign...
    I thought AiU was done...
  20. rsniteblaze

    rsniteblaze Administrator

    If you search just "Alice in Underground" then nothing pops up. You have to hit the checkbox to show all items that are no longer available in order to see it. My guess is since they cancelled it so quickly CDJ made it "unavailable" almost immediately as well. So maybe no one just noticed since no one would assume it would be listed as "unavailable" so soon.
    crimsonknight4 likes this.

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