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DRAFT KING [1st Mission to the DK] report

Discussion in 'Draft King Pictures' started by Rafayui, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Rafayui

    Rafayui Dedicated Stereopony Fan

    i found it on DK official, twit not sure where to put it , so


    Draft King「1st mission to the DK」
    2013.8.10 @渋谷eggman
    8月10日(土) 、Draft Kingが渋谷のeggmanで初のワンマンライブとなる「1st mission to the DK」を行った。このバンドは昨年惜しまれながらも約4年間の活動に終止符を打ったステレオポニーのNOHANA(Bass)とSHIHO(Drums)を中心に、erica(Vocal)とhiddy(Guitar & Vocal)、mao(Guitar)を加えた5人組ガールズバンド。結成して日は浅いが、楽曲制作やライブ活動にいそしみ、着実にファンを増やしてきた。


    Draft Kingのサイン色紙を、抽選で2名様にプレゼント!



  2. rsniteblaze

    rsniteblaze Administrator

    Thanks for sharing Rafayui!
  3. nikid

    nikid Global Moderator

    woah, nice finding Rafayui. Thanks!
  4. rsniteblaze

    rsniteblaze Administrator

    I edited the original post with the text.

    If you guys didn't see, that website is giving away two autographed signature boards from the show. This is similar to the Stereopony signature board that Sakamoto gave away.

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