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[Music Voice] Former Stereopony members talk about the road to another contract...

Discussion in 'Draft King Discussion' started by dereko92, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. dereko92

    dereko92 Administrator


    高校在学中にメジャーデビューもバンド解散でインディーズに。初めて経験する下積み活動。ファンの支えがあって再び事務所と契約を交わしたDraft King(撮影・編集部)

    Draft King インタビュー
     元ステレオポニーのメンバーが中心となって結成したガールズロックバンドのDraft King(ドラフトキング)が先日、大手芸能事務所のサンミュージックと所属契約を交わしたことがニュースとなった。元ステポニのリーダー兼ベースのNOHANAとドラマーのSHIHO、そしてサポートを行っていたギターのMAOの3人。ここにボーカルのericaが加わった。NOHANAとSHIHOはステポニとして高校在学中にメジャーデビュー。人気を集めながらも突如の解散。栄光を極めたメジャーシーンを後に、自らインディーズシーンへと投じた。自信はあった。ステポニ時代のファンがついて来てくれるだろうとも思った。しかし甘い考えは初のライブで砕かれた。観客は10人も満たない…。挫けそうにもなった。それでも前を向いて歩いてこれた。ファンの存在が支えになったからだ。ステポニ解散からDraft Kingとしての下積み活動。インタビューでは当時の心境や今の思いなどを語って頂きました。【聞き手・紀村了】

    ――7月に発売されたDraft Kingの楽曲を聴かせて頂きました。第一印象は「かっこいい」。楽曲作りに影響されているものはありますか

    MAO 作曲は私がしていて。アマチュア時代はずっとELLEGARDENの楽曲をコピーしていて。メンバーの生形真一さんが凄くて。ギターも作曲に関しても憧れています。私は、間奏でいきなりおかしなフレーズになるトリッキーなフレーズを作るのが好きで、よく入れていますね。

    SHIHO 基本的にMAOは、曲を作ってきたのを「好きなようにやって下さい」というタイプなので、スタジオで弾いて「ああじゃない、こうじゃない」とやっていく感じ。最初に持ってきた音源とだいぶ変わっているものもあります。


    SHIHO 夏の時点では正直、解散とは思っていなかったので、こういう結果になったときは自分自身も気持ちの整理がつかなかったんですけど…まあなんか、あまりマイナスな気持ちはなかったんですね。その時は。バンドは解散するけど音楽を辞めるわけじゃないから、という気持ちが強かった。

    NOHANA SHIHOが言うように解散するとは思っていなくて。解散が悲しくなかったと言えば嘘になるけど、それがあったからこうやって新しいバンドが出来て。また進めているので、まあ、ある意味いいきっかけになったのかな、人生の。前向きな決断でしたね。


    SHIHO そうですね。なんか、あまり止まりたくなかった。次に早く行きたかった。止まっている自分たちをあまり想像できなかったというのもあるし、動き続けたいし、動き続けなきゃいけないという気持ちもあって。結構、割と早い段階でボーカル探しをしていて。たぶんそこで1カ月、2カ月何もしていない期間があったらこういうバンドは組めていなかったと思うし。自分の気持ち的にも置いてかれちゃうところがあったと思う。NOHANAと一緒になって新しいバンド活動のために色々したり、ボーカルを探したり、やっている期間が良い感じだったので、気持ち的にもイキイキしていました。


    SHIHO ステポニとしてもレコーディングだったり、ツアーだったりで色々と海外は回らせて頂いてたんですけど、8月の1カ月の留学の時は、ロスに行って。レコーディングとかもツアーとかもずっとロスとかその辺を回らせて頂いていたんで、すごくその土地が気に入っていて。1カ月の語学留学という体で現地の風を感じていました。


    SHIHO むこうではライブを観に行ったりもしていました。言葉も何も通じないけど意外と生きていけるんだなって思いましたね。基本1人だったんですけど。どこかの国籍の人とルームシェアしていました。基本的にいろんなところに行くと、これだけの器だったからこれしか入らないけど、器が大きくなれば一杯入るって気持ちになる。沖縄(出身地)にいた頃って沖縄は沖縄ですごくいいんですけど、なんか息苦しいというか、そいういう感じがあって。それで東京来たら東京ってすごいデカいなって。そして海外に行ったら逆に東京は小さいんだなって。気持ち的に大きくなれたような気になっちゃう。


    NOHANA 私は韓国に行っていました。皆からなんで韓国なのってすごく言われるんだけど、単純に好きというのがあって。ボーカルが休んで、私たちが同じように休むような事はしたくなくて、何かしらしようと思って海外に行ったんですけど。私はバンドやってるんですけど、すごくダンスが好きで、韓国でダンス留学をしていました。でもそれを言うとみんなから「なんで?」と言われるんですけど、でも自分でも、なんだろ、「バンドのために」というよりは、自分が楽しく、自分の人生に影響を得られたらなって思って。大きい気持ちで考えていた。戻ってきてライブした時にローディーの方にリズムの取り方がバンドじゃなく、いい意味でリズム感がすごく良くなっていると言われて。それで「ダンスしていた」と言ったらそれが影響してるんじゃないのと言われて、意外と役に立ってるんだな、って。


    NOHANA 独りで全く言葉の通じないところに行く事は自分自身がすごく強くなった気がしますね。ソウルに居ましたが転々としていました。ダンススクールに通いながら言葉を覚えたりして、精神的に強くなった気がします。技術がどうこうというよりも。今までステレオポニーとして突っ走ってきて、そういう時間って絶対になかったので、その時にできなかったことがやれた。


    NOHANA 海外生活で精神的な部分が強くなった。だから解散という言葉を聞いて、前に進むために受け入れられたのかもしれない。



    NOHANASHIHO ……(無言)

    MAO なにか返事を(焦り)

    SHIHO 一緒にやりたいという顔をしていたんで(笑い)

    SHIHO 駅前のケンタッキーに呼び出して、ステレオポニー解散するから二人でバンドやろうと思うんだけどって誘って。MAOはいいなって思っていたので。


    MAO 「プロ」というのはすごく感じていましたね。

    NOHANA サポート時代に一週間に21曲覚えて来て、というのを言ってきたので、バンドとして与えてきた課題はすごいストイックだったと思う。


    MAO 技術面だけじゃなくて見せ方も凄く勉強になったし、最初はすごいガッチガチで動けなかった。そういうところも昔よりは動けるようになったと思います。


    NOHANA erica自身は知り合いのスタッフさんからの紹介されたんですけど、ericaに出会うまでは沢山オーディションもしたし、自分たちが専門学校に行って探しに行ったりとか、ライブハウスに行ったりと。ボーカル探しが一番大変で、すごい時間をかけて探した時にericaと出会って。でも、すぐには決めたくなかったので、何度もスタジオに入ってもらって、私たちの音で歌ってもらって、で、ericaですごくバンドがかっこよくなる、と思ったので決めました。


    erica 私自身、バンド経験がなかったので、初めてこういうスタジオに入ったときは怖かったです。

    erica でも皆さんがすごく優しい笑顔で、演奏されて、そこで気持ち良く歌わさせて頂いて、このバンドでやれたら幸せだなと思いました。

    NOHANA 最初に出会った時から楽しく歌う子だなって。マイペースで自由な子なんですよ。こっちから見て緊張しているようには見えなかった。自由だなこの子って。


    NOHANA そうですね。パフォーマンスにも出てるんじゃないかなって思いますね。

    ――Draft Kingとして2013年1月に行った最初のライブは10人も満たなかったと

    全員 少なかったですね。

    SHIHO 正直もう少し入るんじゃないかなって己惚れてたところはありました。でも良い刺激になりました。


    SHIHO やっています。私は夜中までやっているレストランバーで。お酒が好きなので、どうせならお酒関係の仕事がないかなって探していたらなかなかいい店があったので。


    SHIHO うまければ何でも。とりあえずビールから。焼酎行くときもあれば、ワイン、テキーラを引っかけることもあります。

    NOHANA ひどいんですよ。お酒飲み過ぎて。


    NOHANA うざいです(笑い)。


    SHIHO 音楽の話は全くしないですよ。ゲラゲラ笑っている。すごい絡む。でも怒鳴り散らしたりはしないよね。

    NOHANA それはしないかな。

    SHIHO すごい熱い話をするらしんですよ。同じように酔っ払ってくれる人がいると凄いまじめですごい熱くてすごいいい話をするみたいなんですけど、9.5割覚えていないですよ。翌日起きるとなんかいい話したけど…まあいいかって。


    SHIHO 後悔はしないですね

    NOHANA 後悔だらけでしょ(笑い)

    SHIHO それはね(笑い)


    SHIHO 飲みますね。家に泡盛があって。実家帰った時に自分用に買っておいて後で送ってもらう。


    SHIHO アメリカに居る時の方がひどかったですよ。朝からビール飲んで、ビール飲みながら学校言ってました(笑い)。

    NOHANA あははじゃないよ。ひどいよそれ。

    SHIHO アメリカに居る時は毎日飲んでましたね。安いんですよ。ビールもワインも。まとめて4、5本買って。よしって朝からビールを飲んで気合を入れて、学校から帰って来てワインを飲んで、そのあとスタジオにいって。でもちゃんと勉強しましたよ。


    SHIHO 基本練習はバイトと被らないように設定はしてるけど、でもいきなりいろんな仕事を頂いたりする場合もあるので、バイト先の皆さんには迷惑をかけている。それでも応援してくれて、温かい人の協力もあってうまくやれています。


    SHIHO ギャップはありますね。最初はプライドも一応はあったので。バイトしなきゃ食っていけないし、生きていけないし、何も出来ないから、とりあえず働こうってバイトを探したんですけど…。なんか…。メジャーの頃は音楽のことばかりを考えていられたけど、そういう…それだけで幸せだったんだなって、なんか、そうナイーブな気持ちでした。


    SHIHO 葛藤は…ちょっとナイーブになるぐらいで。ステポニ時代ってなにも分からなかったから。右も左も分からないクソガキの時にポンって出てとにかくがむしゃらにやらなきゃって。バンドマン生活というか、自分たちで働いて、バイトして、スタジオいって、ライブして、自分たちが運転して、どっか行ってみたいな事を全く経験していなくて。正直ほかの一緒に走ってきている仲間のバンドマンとかはちゃんとそういう土台があって。そういう人たちとどこか違うなって思うところがあったので。今、そういう経験ができているのはそれはそれですごく大事なことだと思っているし、良い経験をさせてもらえているな、いいタイミングだったんじゃないかなって。


    SHIHO 朝から晩まで働いて。2つぐらいかけもちしている時期もあったので、本職ってなんだったんだろうって思う時も正直ありましたね。


    SHIHO こんなに集まってくれたんだって本当に嬉しかった。結成して半年の時期だったので、半年でeggmanでワンマンやれるって本当に幸せだなって。すごく嬉しかった。

    NOHANA 嬉しかったですね。嬉しかったのですごい達成感があって。自分たちでインディーズになったので、マネージャーもいないし、全て自分自身でやらないといけないし。本当は家で発狂するぐらい、色々と追われていた。それをやっぱりお客さんが来てくれて、ワンマンを成功したとなると、頑張りが認められたというか。続けて良かったなって思ったし、まだまだ大きなところに行きたいなという希望も持てましたね。


    NOHANA 裏方業です。すごくやっていた。マネージャーみたいな事をやってました。ホームページの管理とか、いろいろやってた。

    SHIHO 細かいことを言うとホテルの手配とか車の手配。本当に全般やってもらってましたね


    NOHANA バンドのことは任せてもらって。衣装のことも考えたり。洋服を考えるのは好きなんですけど、探し回っているときにふと思うことがあった。私スタリストかな…って疑問に。


    SHIHO でもバンドやっているというのがモチベーションでしたね。ライブやってお客さんの顔を見れて、そういう空間にいるということだけで頑張って来れた。


    SHIHO 徐々に増えていきました。初めて私たちを見た人から『初めてみたんだけど良かったよ』とか『また来たよ』とか言ってもらえて励みになった。


    MAO いや、そういうのはない。感じたものをただ音にしていったので。

    NOHANA ライブが好きなので、ライブで盛り上がる音を常に考えています。


    NOHANA まずクワトロでライブをやるってこと事態が大きなことで、箱も大きいし自分たちにもプレッシャーはあったんですけど。やれることだけのことはやったんですけど、開演するまで成功するか不安だった。やっぱりお客さんが集まってくれないと。満員だから成功だとは必ずしも思わないんですけど、大きな挑戦だったので、結構弱気になっていました。でもクワトロまでにすごいライブをしてきてやっぱり少しずつだけどファンの方がついて来てくれたんで、みんなが集まってくれたおかげで成功できた。やってきたことは間違ってなかったんだなって思って。泣きました。号泣してました。


    SHIHO それはずっと一緒。変わっていません。来てくれていろんな声やメッセージとか手紙もそうだし、みんなの力があるから自分たちはこうやってライブができたり、ライブができたりしているので、本当に感謝の気持ちはずっと変わらずですね。


    NOHANA アレンジャーさんはつけていたので、それで今まで私たちが持っていなかった引き出しを開けてくれたので。色んな人の力を借りて出来たのかなって思う。ライブとCDは違うので、CDだから出来る音を作りましたね。キラキラっと。


    サンミュージックとの契約発表から1週間後に行われたDraft Kingのライブの様子。自信に満ち溢れているようだった(撮影・編集部)

    SHIHO 正直びっくりしました。単純に本当に嬉しかった。


    SHIHO どうなるか分からない状況だったので、本当に声がけ頂いたときは嬉しかった。


    erica すごく一人一人が意欲的だと思うので、一番私たちが楽しんで皆も楽しんでもらえたら最高だなって思っています。

    NOHANA eggmanは私たちが一番ライブをしている会場なので想い入れが強いライブハウス。そこでソールドアウトした景色をみたいなと思っています。

    SHIHO 楽しいだろうという光景しか見えていません。絶対楽しませる自信もあるし、すごい1日なると思っています。

    MAO このバンドではeggmanでのワンマンは2回目。1回目とは違う成長したところを見せたいし、ソールドアウトした景色をみたい(笑い)上を想像させるようなワンマンライブにしたいです。

    NOHANA 私の言葉を引用した…。

    MAO すみません。カットしてもらっていいですか。パクちゃった(笑い)。

    They made their major debut in high school, disbanded, and then headed to the indies scene. They experienced the lower strata for the first time. Supported by their fans, they once again signed a contract.

    Draft King Interview

    Mainly comprised of former Stereopony members, the girls band Draft King signed a contract with the big talent agency Sun Music the other day. The 3 from former are the leader and bass player NOHANA, the drummer SHIHO, and MAO who was their support guitarist at the time. They then added the vocals, Erica at this point. NOHANA and SHIHO made their major debuttheir major debut with Stereopony while in high school. As they were gaining popularity, they suddenly disbanded. Having gained glory in the major scene, they tossed themselves into the indies scene. They had confidence. They wondered whether fans from their Stereopony age would follow them. But those naïve thoughts were smashed in their first live. There were less than ten spectators… It was like being crushed. Even so they looked ahead and started walking. It was because they were being supported by their fans. From the disbandment of Stereopony they have been taking part in activities from the bottom as Draft King. In the interview they spoke to us about their current mental state and thoughts about the present.
    [Interviewer - Kimura Ryo]

    The reason they decided to take a plunge with a new band without an interval after Stereopony’s disbandment.

    ――I listened to Draft King’s song that was released in July.

    My first impression was “Cool”. Is there something that influences you when you’re making songs?

    I’m the one that makes the songs. In my amateur age I was always copying ELLEGARDEN’s songs. Ubukata Shinichi from that band is amazing. I look up to his guitar and his music writing. As for me, during the interlude, I like to make strange, sudden phrases so it gets tricky, I include those a lot.

    Basically, in making music, MAO is the type to say “Please do it how you like” so when we’re playing in the studio it becomes kind of like “That’s not it, this isn’t it”. There have been times when the music we start off with changes quite a bit.

    ――You were active as Stereopony. In August 2012 you cancelled you’re activities and the following month November you announced your disbandment. What kind of mental state were you in at the time?

    SHIHO During summer I honestly would not have thought we would disband so, when it turned out how it did I couldn’t sort out my own feelings but…well, I didn’t really have any negative feelings. At that time. The band broke up but I wasn’t going to give up on music, that feeling was strong.

    NOHANA Just like SHIHO said, I didn’t think we would break up. If I said the break up wasn’t sad I would be lying but because we broke up we were able to form this new band. Because we are still continuing forward, well, in a way I wonder if it was a good life opportunity? We made the decision to look forward.

    ――The following month after the band’s disbandment in December 2012 you had alive with the new band. Because you had that determination to look forward, did that make the next step smooth?

    That’s right. It was like, I didn’t really want to stop. I wanted to move so quickly. I couldn’t really imagine us stopping, I wanted to keep moving, but there was also that feeling that we had to keep moving. We were looking for a vocalist at a fairly early stage. I think that if there had been a 1 or 2 month gap were we weren’t doing anything, this band probably would not have formed. I think I also felt that I would lag behind feelings-wise. NOHANA and I did various things for the new band together and searched for a vocalist, the time period we were doing that had a good feeling to it so feelings-wise it was very lively.

    Things gained at overseas study

    ――During the time period in August 2012 when Stereopony was on hiatus the both of you were studying overseas. How was your everyday life?

    SHIHO I got to go overseas doing various things as Stereopony such as recording and tours, but in August I went to study abroad for 1 month and I went to Los Angeles. I had been to Los Angeles before for recording and tours, I really came to like that place.

    ――The change in your lifestyle overseas was?

    SHIHO I went to go see lives over there too. I didn’t really understand any words but I thought it was surprisingly easy to go on living. I was basically by myself too. I shared a room with someone whose nationality I didn’t know. Basically I went to various places, I could only go to so many places because I only understood so much but I began to feel like if I could learn more then I could go to a lot more places. When I was in Okinawa (Birthplace), it was fine but I had a feeling like it was suffocating somehow. And when I went to Tokyo, I felt like Tokyo was really huge. And then I went overseas and then I thought conversely that Tokyo was small. I feel like I got bigger feelings-wise.

    ――NOHANA-san was also studying abroad right?

    NOHANA I went to Korea. I am always asked by everyone “Why Korea?” but it is simply because I like it. While our vocalist was resting, we both thought that we didn’t want to rest the same way, and wanting to do something we went overseas. I play in a band but, I really like dancing so I studied dance abroad in Korea. But when I say that everyone asks me “Why?” but to me, how should I put it, more than “being for the band” it was for me to have fun and so I could gain some influence in my life from it. I was really thinking with my feelings. When I got back there was a time when we were doing a live and I was told by one of the roadies that my rhythm wasn’t really band-like, in a good way, and that my sense of rhythm is getting better. When I responded “I studied dance”, I was told that that might be influencing me and that it came in handy surprisingly.

    ――Your change in mental state during your daily life overseas was?

    NOHANA I feel like going by myself to a place where I didn’t understand the language really made me stronger. I was in Seoul but I was moving from place to place. Coming and going from dance school I tried to remember words and I have a feel that I got stronger mentally. Rather than my technique as well. Dashing around at that time as Stereopony, I didn’t have time like that at all so I did something I couldn’t do at that time.

    ――After your time overseas was over, you announced your disbandment right away.

    NOHANA In my time overseas I got stronger mentally. So when I heard the word “disband” I may have accepted it in order to move forward.

    Meeting MAO and erica

    ―― MAO-san had been active as you’re support guitarist for one year. Did you two invite her to join your new band?

    NOHANA, SHIHO …… (Silent)

    MAO Say something (Impatient)

    SHIHO She was making that face like she wanted to do it together(Laughs)

    We called her to a Kentucky Fried Chicken in front of a train station and invited her by telling her “Since Stereopony broke up, the both of us were thinking of forming a band”. MAO said “That’s fine”.

    ――How did you see SHIHO-san and NOHANA-san when you were their support guitarist?

    MAO I really felt like they were “pros”.

    NOHANA During her support guitarist period she remembered 21 songs in a week, having said that, she was really stoic when the topic of the band came up.

    ――MAO-san, what did you learn from these two?

    MAO I didn’t just learn technical things from them, I also learned a lot from how they presented themselves, at first I couldn’t I was so stiff and couldn’t move at all. I think I’ve become more able to move than that time.

    ――You met erica-san at an audition?

    NOHANA erica herself was introduced to us by a staff member who was an acquaintance but until we met erica we held many auditions, we went to a specialty school and live houses to search. Searching for a vocalist was the most difficult and in that long period of searching we met erica. We didn’t want to decide right away o we had her come to the studio with us a number of times, sing with our sound, and we thought the band would be really cool with erica in it so we decided.

    ――erica-san what was your impression of the members when you met them?

    erica I didn’t have any experience in bands so going to that studio for the first time was scary.

    erica But everyone was kind and smiled, then we played and singing with them felt good, I thought I would be happy if I could sing with this band.

    NOHANA When I first met her I thought she sang really enjoyably. She’s a really free and “my pace” type of person. I didn’t look like she was nervous to me. I thought she was really free.

    ――Does she show her freeness at live shows?

    NOHANA That’s right. I always wonder if it comes out during lives.

    First time lower strata activities

    ――Your first live in January 2013 as Draft King didn’t have a full 10 people

    Everyone There were only a few.

    SHIHO Honestly I was pretty conceited, thinking I’m sure a few more will show up. But it was good encouragement.

    ―― In order to earn money for your everyday life, you have a part-time job. Are you still doing that part-time job?

    SHIHO I am. I’m working at a restaurant until midnight. Since I love sake so much, I figured I might as well try and find a job related to sake, when I looked around I found a pretty good shop.

    ――Incidentally what do you like about sake?

    If it’s delicious then everything. But I love beer the most. If I go out for spirits, then I also drink wine and tequila.

    NOHANA That’s terrible. You drink too much sake.

    ――How does she get when she drinks sake?

    Annoying (Laughs).

    ――Do you start talking about music when you drink?

    I don’t talk about music at all. I’m always laughing uncontrollably. I get really drunk. But I never yell.

    I don’t know if she doesn’t shout.

    It seems I talk very passionately. If there is someone who gets drunk like I do, we end up having an amazing, passionate discussion, but I don’t remember 95% of it. When I wake up the following day I feel like I had a really good conversation…But oh well.

    ―― You don’t regret getting drunk?

    SHIHO I don’t regret it.

    You should be filled with regrets (Laughs)

    Well that’s… (Laughs) ―― Do you drink Okinawa’s famous awamori?

    I do. I have some awamori at home. When went back to my parents’ house they bought one for me and sent it to me afterwards.

    ―― Then how about the time you were in America?

    SHIHO The time I was in America was worse. I drank beer from the morning on and went to school drinking beer. (Laughs)

    NOHANA Not “Hahaha”. That’s terrible.

    SHIHO I drank every day I was in America. It’s cheap. Beer and wine too. In all I think I bought 4 to 5 bottles. As I said I drank from the morning to get my spirits up, when I got back from school I drank wine and after that I went to the studio. But I did study properly.

    ――So you have your part time job and still have time to strive for rehearsal?

    SHIHO Basically I have it so that rehearsal and the part-time job don’t overlap, but there are times when we suddenly receive a job so I’m always causing everyone from my part-time job trouble. Despite that they support me and it goes so well because I have the cooperation of all those kind people.The gap with the major scene

    ――It has been approximately 2 years since you started activities while having a part-time job. Is there a gap between this and the major scene?

    SHIHO There is a gap. Because I was pretty prideful at the time. If I didn’t get a part-time job I wouldn’t have been able to eat, live, or do anything else so I figured I would work and started looking for a job but…how should I put this… During the major scene period I only thought about music but I thought I could be happy with just that, I had naïve feeling like those.

    ―― Were there any troubles?

    SHIHO Troubles…Only enough to make me naïve. During the Stereopony age I didn’t know anything. When I was just a shitty brat I was generally reckless. I hadn’t experienced the “band man” lifestyle”, being active ourselves, having a part-time job, going to the studio, holding lives, driving ourselves, or going other places. Honestly all our other friends who were running around with us had that “band man” foundation. I always thought there was a difference between us and those people. Now I can see that having that experience is an important thing, I’m receiving some good experiences, so I think it was good timing.

    ―― As far as feelings go, did you get depressed at all?

    SHIHO I worked from morning until night. There was also a period in which I had two so honestly there was time when I began to wonder what my real job was.

    ―― In spite of that there were 150 people at the eggman live in August 2013

    SHIHO I was really happy that so many people came. It was only half a year after we formed so I was truly happy that we were able to hold a one man at eggman after half a year. I was really happy.

    We really were happy. Because we were so happy there was an amazing sense of achievement. Since we were on our own in the indies scene, without a manager, so we had to do everything ourselves. Truth is, I had so much to do I went crazy. The fact that all those guests came and that we were able to make the one man a success was like our hard work being recognized. I thought that I was happy I kept going, but I still have the wish of wanting to move on to bigger places.

    ――3 members got part-time jobs. What did NOHANA-san do?

    NOHANA It was the behind the scenes work. I was really busy doing it. I was doing things that a manger would do. I did various things such as managing the website.

    SHIHO A lot of small things like arranging hotels and transportation. She really did everything for us. ――While the other 3 were working you did your part by covering for the band

    NOHANA They entrusted everything about the band to me. Things such as thinking about outfits. I like thinking about western clothes but when I was going around looking for them I suddenly had a thought. “I wonder if I’m a stylist?”

    Spectators 10 people → 400 people, the treasure that remains after 1 year

    ――Within all that why were you able to keep your spirits high without getting depressed?

    SHIHO Just being in the band was motivation. Just with the atmosphere and seeing the faces of all of our guests, just with that I could keep doing my best.

    ――How is your attendance after your one man in August?

    SHIHO It’s growing gradually. It was encouraging to hear people who had seen us for the first time to say “I saw you for the first time but it was great” or “I came again”.

    ――Are those hardships being reflected in the songs?

    MAO No, I wouldn’t say that. Anything we felt was made into music.

    NOHANA We love lives so we’re always thinking of making songs to get people excited at lives.

    ――You also had a one man live at QUATTRO this year in March. 400 people were in attendance.

    First of all just being able to play a live at QUATTRO was a big deal, and because the venue is bigger there certainly was pressure on us. We just did what we could but, until the curtains opened there was some anxiety on whether it would be a success or not. What if guests wouldn’t come after all? I didn’t think that just because it was full up that it would be a success but it was a huge challenge so I got fairly weak-hearted. But we had an amazing live at QUATTRO and plenty of our fans came in bit by bit, and thanks to everyone coming it was a success. I realized that everything I had done wasn’t a mistake. I cried. I cried loudly.

    ――Compared to the time you had on the major scene, has your outlook on your fans changed?

    That has always been the same. It hasn’t changed. Everyone comes to our lives, we hear everyone’s voices and read their messages or letters, we can put on lives like these because of everyone’s power and because of that our feelings of gratitude have never changed.

    ――In June your independent CD went on sale. What is different?

    NOHANA Because or arranger was with us, that opened a new door for us. I believe we finished it by borrowing various people’s strength. Since lives and CDs are different, we really built up the sound. It was shining.

    Contract again and after that

    ――And then you signed a contract with Sun Music

    SHIHO Honestly I was surprised. Simply put, I was really happy.

    ――Were you honestly worried that without the talk of a contract everything would continue as it had?

    I didn’t know how the situation would work out, but I’m really happy they called us out.

    ――You have a one man live at Tokyo, Shibuya eggman on 12/17. A word about that please.

    erica I think each and every one man is ambitious so, I think the most important thing is that we, as well as everyone else, has fun.

    NOHANA eggman is the live house we’ve done the most lives at so it is a live house in which our sentiments are strong. I wasn’t to see the view of a sold out crowd there.

    SHIHO You will only see a spectacle that makes you say “That was fun wasn’t it?”, I’m confident it will be fun and it will be an amazing day.

    MAO This will be the second one man at eggman for this band. I want to show how we’ve grown since the last one man live and I want to see the view of a sold out crowd there (Laughs). I want it to be a one man live that makes you look upwards.

    NOHANA You quoted my words…

    MAO Sorry. Could you cut? I stole that (Laughs).
    Rafayui and Senak like this.
  2. crimsonknight4

    crimsonknight4 Global Moderator Translator

    those underlined parts are things im not too sure about, if there are any mistakes let me know cuz its kind of a big interview and I might have missed something
    Rafayui likes this.

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