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Translated The Long-Awaited Second Album OVER THE BORDER Explained by S

Discussion in 'Stereopony Interviews' started by Destonus, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Destonus

    Destonus Global Moderator

    Source: http://smash.music.yahoo.co.jp/top/repyjm00730/

    待望のセカンドアルバム『OVER THE BORDER』をステレオポニーの3人が解説!

     最新シングル『OVER DRIVE』も好評のステレオポニーが、6月9日に待望のセカンドアルバム『OVER THE BORDER』をリリース! 7月から始まる全国ツアーへの期待もよりいっそう高まる、このニューアルバムについて3人が解説してくれました。
    タイトル『OVER THE BORDER』に込めた思い






    02. ツキアカリのミチシルベ

    03. スマイライフ
    いろんな苦しみもそばにいてくれる人たちの支えで乗り越えていける。どこまでもその支えに感謝して走り続けていきたい! というメッセージを込めた曲です。(SHIHO)

    04. happy'A'
    私の性格や考え方を歌詞にしてみました。聴いてくれた人も、わかるわかる! と共感してもらえる部分があったらうれしいです。ちなみにタイトルの「'A'」は血液型のことなんです。ステレオポニーはメンバー全員A型です☆(NOHANA)

    05. Never Look Back
    自分自身を信じて突き進めという強い思いを込めた曲。アルバムのなかでいちばんのロックチューンになっていると思います。魂込めてレコーディングしました! ライブで盛り上がりたい曲ですね。(NOHANA)

    06. 友達の恋人

    07. 妄想ジェット



    08. cherry my...

    09. はんぶんこ
    Bivattchee(ビバッチェ / ※編集部注1)さんの原曲を、より自分たちらしくするにはどうするかすごく悩んで仕上げました。タイトに、でも原曲の真っすぐさを残すように意識しました。(SHIHO)

    10. 星屑カンテラ
    初めてのダンスロックチューン! ビートもメロディーも思わず踊り出したくなりますよ。きっと!“星屑カンテラ”はね、みんなが暗闇に立ち向かうためのヒカリ。ちゃんとみーんな持ってるんです。(AIMI)

    11. 100パラリズム

    12. OVER DRIVE
    ドラマティックな、爽快(そうかい)な仕上がり。大サビの広がりが聴きどころ! 遠く遠く羽ばたいていきたい思いを込めてます。この曲を聴いて何か1歩踏み出すきっかけになってくれるとうれしいです!(NOHANA)

    13. 咲音

    ボーナストラック. ACOUSTIC SONG
    初の試みで、1発録りに挑戦してみました! アコースティックということで、ドラムもカホン(※編集部注2)に初挑戦しました!(SHIHO)

    ※編集部注1 / 1997年に結成され、2009年3月に解散した日本の男性4人組ロックバンド。原曲は、彼らのインディーズ時代の2002年にシングルとしてリリースされている。

    ※編集部注2 / 直方体の形をした、スペイン語で「箱」という意味の名前を持つ打楽器。木製の打面が一般的で、素手でたたいて音を出す。

    Translation by Hyuma:

    The long awaited second album [OVER THE BORDER] explained by trio of Stereopony!

    The latest single, [OVER DRIVE], is well received, and the long-awaited second album [OVER THE BORDER] was released on June 9th! Expected to grow even better with their upcoming nationwide tour which begins in July, the trio explain about their new album and why the title [OVER THE BORDER]

    There are many borders around the world, and this title is to show that we want to progress forward. (AIMI)

    "Have the courage to press forward with faith" (SHIHO)

    This is the most large-scale song. The melody is very striking, with speakers or headphones. This song changed the expression of the way we listen to music, the more I listen to it, the more interesting it becomes. (AIMI)

    About the future and looking ahead, meanings from the words. Chasing a dream despite anxiety and suffering. But with fatih and courage, this songs presents a message that we can keep hanging on. (SHIHO)

    03. SMILIFE
    We're able to overcome our sufferings with the support of people around us. We want to keep pressing on, and are grateful for that support everywhere. That is the message of this song. (SHIHO)

    04. HAPPY 'A'
    My personality and thoughts are linked to this lyrics. People who listen, they understand, they understand! I'm glad there are parts of empathy within the song. Incidentally, the title is linked to the blood type "A". Stereopony are all members of type A ☆ (NOHANA)

    A song loaded with strong feelings about believing in yourself and to charge forward. I think it is among the best rock tune in the album. Song was recorded with our souls! Exciting to sing live. (NOHANA)

    Painful secret love story. A sacrifice is the most important to protect your heart. I cannot say whom, but it'll be easier if you listened to this song....I made. (AIMI)

    Nice to you meet, it's NOHANA's world! (笑). Simply put, this song exposes what's going inside NOHANA's mind. Please listen to this groovy tune of a fantasy world of fun. (NOHANA)

    "100% cute song that you'll love. It's youth" (AIMI)

    08. CHERRY MY...
    A song about my graduation, and the painful feelings of having to separate from friends. Please listen and pay attention to, and imagine how the image of fluttering cherry blossoms dance. (NOHANA)

    09. HANBUNKO
    Bivattchee (Bibatche/Editor's Note 1 ※)'s original song, we touched the lyrics and were worried when it was finished . Title-wise, we did not make changes to it. (SHIHO)

    First dance rock tune! Its beats and melodies cause me to dance involuntarily to it. Surely, "HOSHIKUZU KANTERA" is a splash, where everyone waits in the dark for dawn. Properly, I got all. (AIMI)

    11. 100 PARARIZUMU
    Read, "The 100 PARARIZUMU". It's about the daily rhythm of life, inside your head, you'll 100% love this cute song. All 3 members wrote the lyrics. It's youth. (AIMI)

    12. OVER DRIVE
    How dramatic, it feels good (Oh yeah) to finish. Just listen to the large chorus! I would like to fly far far away with wings. Hopefully, it will bring you one step closer as you hear this song (NOHANA)

    13. SAKUNE
    It's about the important things kept within everyone's heart. While focused on gentle warm days, I wrote the lyrics in a way that blooms the "water" in my heart. (SHIHO)

    Bonus Track. ACOUSTIC SONG
    In the first try, we tried to record the song in one shot. The first challenge was using acoustic drum the cajón (Editor's Note 1 ※)'s

    Editor's Note 1 ※ / was formed in 1997, four men of Japanese rock band broke up in March 2009. The original song has been released as singles in 2002 of their independent days.

    Editor's Note 2 ※ / rectangular-shaped, Spanish for "box" with the name of a percussion instrument. In general terms, beating of wooden box with bare hands to produce sound.

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2014

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